Camper Type Tool

Welcome to the Cairn Consulting Group Camper Type Tool and survey, where help you find out what type of camper you are. Just enter some information about yourself and we'll do the rest.

Find out what kind of camper you are today!

Background Info
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Full Name:
Email Address:

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Q1. Which of the following best describes the type of camping accommodation that you use most often when you go camping?
Select Only One

Question Results #1:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q2. As you look ahead to the future, and cost was not a consideration, which of the following types of camping accommodation would you most like to own or use for camping?
Select Only One

Question Results #2:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q3. Which of the following best describes the way that you camp most often on your trips?
Select Only One

Question Results #3:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q4. And which of the following is your preferred way to camp? That is, even though most of your trips might be different, would one of these options be your overall preference for camping?
Select Only One

Question Results #4:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q5. Which of the following types of camping experiences, if any, are you interested in trying?
Select All That Apply

Question Results #5:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q6. How would you describe yourself as a camper? Are you . . .
Select Only One

Question Results #6:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q7. What, if anything, is your favorite part about camping?
Select Only One

Question Results #7:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q8. Which of the following statements most closely reflects how you feel about camping?
Select Only One

Question Results #8:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q9. I tend to camp with the same group of people:
Select Only One

Question Results #9:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q10. How many people do you typically camp with?
Select Only One

Question Results #10:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q11. Which of the following, if any, do you own?
Select All That Apply

Question Results #11:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q12. Which of the following would you like to own (but don't currently)?
Select All That Apply

Question Results #12:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q13. Which of the following do you currently own, but plan to upgrade?
Select All That Apply

Question Results #13:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q14. And finally, when it comes to travel, what is your preferred form of travel?
Select Only One

Question Results #14:
Comfort Points:
Aesthetic Points:
Social Points:
Gear Points:
Adventure Points:
Upgrade Points:
Q15. Which camper type do you think you are?
Select Only One

Question Results #20:
Please answer all questions.

You chose camper type. Based on the results, you are a camper type.

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Survey Results

Comfort Score:
Aesthetics Score:
Social Score:
Gear Score:
Adventure Score:
Upgrades Score:
Learn The Camper Types

From the truly adventurous to the fairweather hikers, everyone has a camper type. This survey is designed to help you identify which category you fall into. There are seven current types of campers we have identified and hope these breakdowns help you find more about yourself. Happy camping!

Comfort Camper Type
Comfort Camper

+ High Comfort Score

The Comfort Camper currently camps in comfort accommodations and surroundings, and intends to continue camping in comfort. They are not attracted to a lot of other forms of camping, and may or may not be social (being social takes a back seat to being comfortable while camping and travelling). They are likely to have some camping "toys" and any crossover travel will include stays at more comfortable locations.

Comfort Seeker Type
Comfort Seeker

+ Mid-Low Comfort Score | Mid-High Upgrades Score

This camper type is likely to camp in less comfortable accommodations, but seeks to stay more comfortably in the future. They might be newer to camping, or have recently started back up, and are seeking to have more comfort in their experiences. They are less likely to be motivated by camping aesthetics, but still enjoy the idea of camping.

Aesthetic/Traditionalist Type
The Traditionalist or "Aesthetic" Camper

+ High Aesthetics Score

A camper who is motivated by the camping experience, and has a sense of nostalgia, and likely to enjoy the emotional connections to camping such as enjoying nature and the outdoors. Their gear is probably the typical camping gear that they associate with their past camping experiences and are less likely to upgrade or buy the latest gear. Most likely to be tent campers.

Social Enthusiast Type
Social Enthusiast

+ High Social Score

As the name implies, what is most motivating for these campers is being around others. They want to enjoy their outdoor experiences with friends and family, and are likely to camp with similar groups of people year to year. They are equally likely to enjoy the comforts of camping as well as the aesthetics, but steer away from solo or smaller group adventures.

Gear Junkie Type
Gear Junkie

+ High Gear Score

Gear junkies not only have a lot of gear, but they also are looking to get the latest gear. Gear is a big part of their camping adventures, and their adventures may include those that require the most specific types of gear. To them, the gear is part of the adventure, and they will take pride in the gear they have and how that makes their camping experiences shine.

Upgrading Evolver Type
Upgrading Evolver

+ High Upgrades Score

A camper who is always seeking new camping experiences, especially as it applies to their gear and accommodations. They tend to not only upgrade their gear, but how they camp as well, and identify themselves as still learning and experiencing.

Adventure Seeker Type
Adventure Seeker

+ High Adventure Score

The camping adventurer is always up for a new type of experience, seeing new places, or getting off the beaten path. They are impacted more by the novel experience than they are with finding comfort (in fact, they may prefer to get out of their comfort zones), or even tradition. They can be social, but that's of less importance than how they travel.

Casual Camper Type
Casual Camper

+ All Low-Mid Scores

The casual camper finds enjoyment in camping from time-to-time and may be open to new types of experiences. They find themselves getting outdoors at times but are not avid campers and may go with family maybe once a year. While they do enjoy outdoors experiences, they finding comfort in the occasional outdoor adventure as part of tradition. They can be social, and that may be the only reason they go camping at all. Outdoor travel is an option, but not a go to.